Wise Lesson about Life
Wise Lesson about Life
1 . Don't change yourself.
The whole world may change but you don't change yourself. Remain just as you are.
2 . Forget about break ups, move on.
Break up hurts a lot but to move on is wise. Why to mourn over breakups? Why to keep thinking about what you have lost? The one who didn't care for you is gone for good . That person will never return to you. Think of what you can gain . Move on ,don't remain stuck to your failure.
3 . Learn from your mistakes and the mistakes of others.
To gain experience in life, you have to face difficulties and especially failures. To make mistakes is common but to learn from your mistakes is what wise people do. Furthermore, many people learn from the mistakes of others and save themselves from committing those the same thing.
4 . Don't neglect the advice of elders.
Though the advice of an elderly person may be old fashion but it is always useful. The advice that an old person will give you comes from the experience which the old person has gathered since years.
5 . Don't be arrogant.
With time people change. Some adopt humility and others become arrogant. It is because some person has acquired too much wealth and education. They become rough in manner. They behave in an impolite way towards people who are below their level.
6 . Learn to accept failures in your life.
You cannot gain success in everything. To fail is part of life and you have to accept this fact. Failures teach you the lessons that will make you become wise in life.
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